The story of the Presentation of Jesus in the Temple (Lk. 2:22-40) is a story of three parts. The first part (Lk. 2:22-35) is the encounter with Simeon. The second part (vv. 36-38) is the encounter with Anna and the third part (vv. 39-40) is the growth of the child in the home of Mary and Joseph in Nazareth. In the first part (Lk. 2:22-35), the evangelist emphasizes Jesus’ fulfilment of the Law or the Torah. Luke repeatedly mentions that the parents of Jesus were keen to do for him what the Law of Moses required (vv. Moreover, Simeon whom they encounter is described as righteous and devout, terms which refer to devotion to the Law (See Ananias in Acts 22:12). Again, the name Simeon comes from the Hebrew Sh e ma which means to listen or to be obedient to the Law. Thus, the first characterization of Joseph and Mary are people who observe the Law of YHWH. Those who receive Jesus, are first and foremost people devoted to the Law. The second part (Lk. 2:36-38)...
This third Sunday in Ordinary time has been declared Sunday of the Word of God. One question we could ask ourselves is: what is my relationship with the Word of God and what is the impact the Word has on my life? St. Jerome in his famous dictum says “ignorance of scripture is ignorance of Christ”. If you agree that this is true, then I want to suggest five things we could do in order that we grow in the knowledge of scripture, and thus in the knowledge of Christ. 1. READ the scripture! Everything begins with our encounter with the Word of God. To do so, we must read it. But how do we learn to read our bible? Let me offer three quick suggestions. First, set a specific time to read your bible. Procrastination is one of the greatest enemies of bible reading. And certainly, early in the morning is better than late at night when you are worn out. Second, have a fixed place. Lying on your bed is hardly the ideal place for reading your bible, and we bo...